Ever wish you had someone you could turn to for really good advice on how to find a new job, the next job, and job in a whole different field? As if looking for work isn't difficult enough, most of the books out there make you feel like you're doing it wrong, couldn't possibly do it right. That's why we practically begged Ellis Chase to put all the good advice he gives to clients and students in a book so that everyone else could benefit. Full disclosure: he's the one we always go to ourselves when we need career counseling. He's great even on the little things like: If I answer an job ad once, is it okay to answer it again? If I'm only meeting with a recruiter, can't I just wear jeans? Shouldn't I just forget about searching during the holidays? I mean no one's working anyway. If you can just wait another week or so, all those big and little questions will be answered in IN SEARCH OF THE FUN-FOREVER JOB: Career Strategies That Work. It's worth the wait.
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