No one needs to tell me writers tend to be a bit reticent. Three Brave Early AdaptersSix years and fifteen books later, only 3 of the 15 books I’ve published have been re-issues. You Won’t Remember This: Stories by Kate Blackwell; Blues for Beginners by Judith Podell; and Sunset at Rosalie by the late Ann McLaughlin. I’ve taken the first steps – I had my hardcover book scanned. And right now I’m proofing because scanning can be a little wonky. I haven’t read it in years and was a little worried about re-reading and hating it. But it’s like finding old essays from college and being surprised that I ever knew so much about the Renaissance. Some of it’s not bad. Did I used to have a better imagination? A quick note: Right after I published this I read Mike Shatzkin's
2020: Zero year thoughts about the changes in book publishing that talks about what's happened to backlists over the years.
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