Life of Cyn is the story of a woman who must choose between revenge and forgivenesslearns after she learns her husband’s new boss is the guy who assaulted her in high school. ![]() Why did you decide to self-publish? Did you have any doubts? In January of last year, I did NOT want to self-publish. I’d done it with my first book and used a hybrid publisher for my second book. That hybrid experience was a financial nightmare; I spent way too much money upfront and had to share royalties with them, where I made between .10-.90 cents with them for each copy sold. I haven’t made a profit on that book yet, but part of my self-pub journey last year was to get the rights back on it and re-release it. So last January, I was very jaded. I’d submitted my 3rd book to agents to try to go the traditional route, but after 18 months and 250 rejections, I had no path to publication for LIFE OF CYN. Agents had essentially said that #MeToo was dead in publishing, but I was sure I had a good story and knew my readers were out there—I just had to find them. My biggest fear was that I’d spend a ton of money and not earn it back, but I wasn’t willing to shelve the book, so I had to face my fear. The first step I took was to read two books that changed my perspective: Elizabeth Gilbert’s BIG MAGIC, and THE WAR OF ART, by Steven Pressfield. They taught me that I could be afraid and do it anyway. I started the publishing prep work last spring. I hired an editor and researched cover artists. Then I purchased Vellum so I could format the interior myself and investigated options to improve my website and start a newsletter. I was nervous about the technical stuff, so I used YouTube to answer my questions, and when I got stuck, asked for advice in the WFWA indie author group. I love the writing community so much—the support has been invaluable. Having a connection to other writers is what was missing when I launched my first two books. Throughout the summer, I formatted my book, co-created my cover with a designer (my concept, her artistry), built a new website on Wix (easy and intuitive), and started a newsletter on Mailerlite. The most impactful step I took was to learn about TikTok and Instagram reels. I joined both apps last April and followed the advice I got to post one video per day. I’m glad I did such a big experiment to see what worked and what didn’t because that knowledge came in handy when it was time to launch my book. 2 weeks before LIFE OF CYN was released at the end of December, I wound up with a bunch of viral promo videos on TT and IG. Several of them got 4,000-6,000 views (with 20% engagement in the form of likes or comments), and one promo on Instagram got 52,000 views. On December 27th, I released my 3rd book to rave reviews (from ARC readers I acquired by posting promos on TikTok) and the biggest sales I’ve ever seen. On day 3, LIFE OF CYN hit #1 Drama in new releases on Amazon. In the first month, I sold more than double the number of books that I did for each of my other books in their first year. I have 33 reviews so far, and 75% are 5 stars. I had my release party at the same local bookstore that held my last one, and they sold out of their copies and had to dip into mine. Best of all, I get $5 in royalties for every paperback and hardcover sold on Amazon and $3 for each eBook. I’ve also had 4,000 page reads on Kindle Unlimited in the first month. That’s equivalent to 10 full books. In total, I’ve sold 212 copies the first month, mostly paperbacks and hardcovers, and have earned back half of what I spent to produce the book (@ $1900). It has also led to sales on my last book that I took back from the hybrid publisher, and now I get all the royalties on it. What did you like best? I love the interactions I’ve had with readers due to the rabble-rousing nature of my topic. Many people, including several total strangers, have reached out to tell me how much my book has influenced what they plan to do differently in their lives moving forward. That is enormous, and I always give those people my full attention. It happened this morning; a total stranger reached out to talk, and we chatted via messenger all morning. The topic of sex assault is universal, it affects men and women in every country around the world, but my marketing approach to the topic has been unique. I out my rapist and talk openly about what he did when I promote my book. Here’s the backstory: I outed my assailant in 2015 on Facebook and learned of 9 other victims from my high school in 24 hours. (All the assaults happened in the early ’90s.) The only bad thing that happened to him in 2015 was that his fiancée broke off their engagement when she heard the news. So, I set out to write a fictional story about a woman who goes after her rapist 20 years after the fact and manages to do everything I wish ‘we’ could’ve done to ‘ours.’ That’s the hook. And the way I’ve badgered my assailant online appeals to male and female readers alike, who are gobbling it up in 1-2 days. That’s my second favorite thing about this experience. What was the hardest part? Starting the process of building my website (to cut down on cost) and my newsletter. I was intimidated and thought I couldn’t do it, which gave me anxiety. But it was relatively easy, and I finished the website over one weekend. I also didn’t enjoy the process of dealing with Ingram for the first time. It was less intuitive than Amazon, with worse customer service. But I’ve sold 57 books thru Ingram in the first month and made it to their top 10 in dramas in December and January, so it was worth the minor frustration. Would you do it again? Absolutely! This experience has been so rewarding because it was challenging and scary, but I did it anyway. The amount of royalty I get for each book is a huge enticement to keep self-publishing. And the fact that the industry professionals thought my book wouldn’t work due to its genre but were wrong, makes me second-guess their value. What advice do you have for authors just starting? I recommend getting involved with the Twitter writing community, which has been great for gathering information. You don’t need TikTok and IG until you’re closer to the time when you’ll be promoting your book. It’s better to wait until you are ready to only post about author-related stuff so you don’t confuse the algorithm. There are tricks to learn about the algorithm, but plenty of people on TikTok share those pointers. Caitlin Avery writes about women whose lives are amiss and can’t resist dangerous impulses. She's the author of the award-winning adventure/thriller, The Last Cruz, its up-and-coming sequel, Grief and Grace, and soon-to-be released women’s fiction, Life of Cyn. Her first book, a coming-of-age memoir, is called Lightning in my Wires. When she's not inventing transformative adventures for her readers, she loves to indulge in them. A triathlete, mountain biker, backpacker, black-diamond skier, and yoga enthusiast, she lives outside of Boston with her husband and son, and the cat and dog who rescued her.
Follow her on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, or Twitter as Caitlin Avery Author.
The best thing is you can fix your mistakes - meet Actress and Author, Monette Bebow-Reinhard2/25/2023 This is the first in a planned series of three novels, each a standalone but interweaving throughout each other as Arabus the Undead spends endless time learning control and seeking acceptance. His adventures here are tied together by a narrator in present time who at first wonders why she was the one to find and translate his tales.Come for the horror, stay for the love. Like a little romance and horror with your history? ![]() Why did you decide to self-publish? Did you have any doubts? I used to run a writers group in Green Bay, back between 2011 and 2013, while I was going through a bit of a slump thanks to a job working at a museum taking so much of my time. After I left the museum I picked up one of my life goals of compiling a master database of pre-contact copper artifacts, something no one else has even attempted. So I blame that for my slump. My two authorized Bonanza novels had been published in 2005 and 2009 by Write Words, Inc., who called herself a traditional publisher because she paid an advance of the price of a single print copy. (When she retired, I put up new editions at Amazon.) Anyway, the focus of my group was that we needed to help each other hone our work and get it submitted to publishers. It was here that I first heard the words, “If I don’t get an agent, I’ll have to self-publish.” I was horrified. And I’ve been reacting that way to those words ever since. There are plenty of publishers who don’t require agents. The group gradually devolved, against all my suggestions, to turn to self-publishing, in part made easier by Amazon. At this time, too, I was working with an author in Africa who wanted his books edited by someone into good English for the American market. That was a horror story I will never repeat. I was not surprised to find that one day he took the book, put someone else’s name on it as editor, and had it published at Amazon. I found it because I was still submitting the book, and curious over his silence. He hadn’t even bothered to change the title. Of course I went to Amazon because I kept all the proof that I was the one that worked with him. After harsh words with him and his fake editor, the book was self-published there appropriately. That was my first self-published novel and I told him, this isn’t the way to go. But he was too impatient. The book, Dancing with Cannibals, does not sell well, but at least it looks more professional, and reflects the seven years I spent with him. When I left my writers group in 2013 I was still determined never to self-publish, so you can see how I had that first experience forced on me. And I still believe that every author needs to go through the submission process before deciding to self-publish. I know there are other self-publishing routes than Amazon. But that’s the one that works for me. I have quite a long history with Amazon, having been a Vine reviewer then, and they’ve always treated me well. What did you like best? The best thing about self-publishing is, when you catch an error, it doesn’t take so long to fix it! You can also change the price at any time. I had Grimm American Macabre published by All Things That Matter Press (awful publisher) and the cover of the anthology turned out too dark. I asked them, can’t you fix that? And they said no. And then before I knew it, it was better. That kind of ugly control that publishers hold is not healthy for your work. Another publisher, Solstice, gave me NO control over the cover of Adventures in Death & Romance: Vrykolakas Tales. I didn’t get to approve it. They just said, “here it is.” And I felt obligated, since this was in 2016 and my first contracted novel since 2009, to say “oh cool.” Until the day I saw the exact same cover on another book! That’s when I realized it wasn’t created for mine. So I had my son Adam (who does most of my covers now, not the copper ones, though) add a rose in the hand that is jutting out of the grave toward the sun. At least it would set the covers apart. And to their credit, they agreed to use it. After three years I let that contract lapse, decided to go back to the title, Journal of an Undead: Love Stories to further develop the trilogy. I felt it had been woefully misplaced as a paranormal romance, when it’s so much more. So being in charge of all elements when you self-publish is great. All Things That Matter Press took a second book, Saving Boone, without even reading it all, saying they could tell it was properly formatted and spell-checked and all. Then they proceeded to tear the book apart, and put the worst cover on it that I ever seen. (I suppose it’s because I gave one of the publisher’s books three stars.) I was going to use the novel to join Western Writers of America, but I couldn’t, not with it looking like that. Eventually I forced them to cancel the contract because they also messed up the title of the novel per contract. When they canceled that one, they canceled Grimm, and good riddance. But there I was, stuck with three formerly published novels that would have a hard time finding a publisher. What to do? Self-publish, of course. And the covers Adam created look great. Another good thing is immediacy. After the pandemic hit, I found myself home with lots of time, as my tax office closed. I (like many) was abhorrent by the politics of the pandemic during an election year, so I created a book (actually started it in 2019) and got From Lincoln to Trump published by July 2020 on Amazon because I wanted it out before the elections. It would not have found a publisher to get it out in time, as it generally takes them up to 18 months to publish a book. I’m now prepping it for third and last edition. I queried out as many as 200 times to find a publisher for Civil War & Bloody Peace, but the traditional presses told me to check with the university presses, and the universities told me to check with the trads. This was a 20-year project that took me through both my BA and MA in history and all around the country doing primary research. I wasn’t about to just discard all of that. So I self-published it. I had to do a lot of work getting photo permissions but then, I’d done a lot of that for a publisher who agreed to take it on back in 2014; they then saw it as too much work and threw it back. For my first copper resource manual, I found several publishers who would take it. But I wouldn’t see any royalties from them, because these were academic publishers. And I’m not academic. My daughter is a professor and has to publish for her credentials. I’m not; I publish to get good, solid work out there, and I have a lot of expenses in doing so, so I better try to make some money at it. The best thing about Amazon is that they pay royalties every month, like clockwork, and sometimes more than I expected. Never less. It’s easy to keep track of what sells and when, so you can see when a marketing approach works, and when you’re wasting your time. What was the hardest part? Formatting is not a lot of fun, but once I learned how to use the templates, I never went back to trying it on my own. It’s also difficult knowing what size book to use, what kind of paper, to bleed or not to bleed on the page (I never bleed). For a while I went to 7x10 for the novels because people complained about the size of the print but I’m back to 6x9 again. I use 1.5 line spacing because that makes it easier to read, though some pros would say that looks amateur. To them, maybe. But yeah, being in charge IS hard, too. If you don’t have access to a graphics artist, like I do, it can be pricey. If you don’t feel comfortable with your editing skills, your product is going to get that stigma we all hear about with being “self-published.” For example, I had been asked a number of times, especially back when I was a Vine reviewer, to review someone’s self-published book. And I tried, honestly, but I couldn’t get past the first page in most cases of any self-published book I sampled or agreed to take on. Again, I implore writers to go through the submissions process, to not be in a hurry to publish. To get feedback to determine how ready their books are to be published. I edited novels for several writers and in all these instances I told them this draft wasn’t ready for a professional edit. If you’re so sick of your book that you’re handing it off to an editor you then pay to fix it, are you sure you want to be a writer? With my first novel, “Felling of the Sons,” I was happily editing it for the 40th time and still loving it. That’s the relationship you need with your book. Without that, don’t bother readers with it. The worst thing about self-publishing is the stigma attached to it. “Oh, so no publisher liked your book enough so you had to self-publish. Well, why should I read it?” That might be more in my head than anything. But it’s there, anyway. Would you do it again? I honestly have no choice anymore. With 11 self-published books, it feels like there’s not a publisher in the world anymore who’ll take me on. Journal of an Undead has two more in the series that have not been published. One of them I will put up the end of the year myself if I don’t find someone. It doesn’t help that Journal of an Undead: Love Stories isn’t selling. Good cover or no, or all the times I’ve put it out there on social media. Some have read its first incarnation and aren’t willing to give it another go, though it is a better edit than the previous one was. Would you believe Solstice gave it an editor who told me he doesn’t like to read this kind of material? Aghast! But all my copper books will be published by me, at Amazon, so I can keep the style the same for each. Third edition From Lincoln to Trump is the easy just to put it up there. I’m working currently on Grimms American Fairy Tales, which will have some new material, some old removed, and all contributors will have their stories bought outright, with the stipulation of more money should sales take off. My son did a fantastic take on a new, more whimsical, cover, too. But that doesn’t mean I’ll stop submitting to publishers. I just put out two queries on Grimm this week to publishers who might take on a project like this. And if they ask, why are you writing this? I’ll say it’s because I’m a Grimm. It was my grandmother’s maiden name. I even put some of the history of Grimms, Wisconsin, where my dad was raised, in the preface, making connections to Germany and the original Grimms Brothers. But I won’t stop submitting to publishers in favor of self-publishing. It’s that stigma thing. I want to think I’m creating something someone else will want to help me with. I know publishers take the cream share of the royalties. I know that. Solstice paid me 71 cents per book, while I can make up to $2 at Amazon per sale (Amazon does keep a portion, but you publish there for free). And I know that most of these small presses don’t do much for you. But as a Bonanza novelist, I know how important that support system is, rather than going it alone. Along with the two Journal novels, I have a historical thriller set in 1968, a modern day murder mystery set in the world of archaeology, an erotic fantasy, and all going through submissions. I have a new nonfiction that I hope will find a publisher, but it’s a pop culture historical that has probably limited potential in that respect. So yeah, I am doing it again, and it does get easier. If my writing group could see me now, with only self-published books, they’d laugh their heads off, without realizing I am doing exactly what I told them to do. What advice do you have for authors just starting? As I mentioned, take your time! Be patient with the process. Very very few writers can come up with a great book in one or two drafts. Very few writers can write a great book without some kind of planning behind it. One gal in our group finally gave up on her book, written without a plan, because it “bored her.” Your idea needs a reason for its life, a reason for you, and readers, to spend time with it. It’s up to you to find it. You should find it before you start writing it. Don’t waste your time trying to find an agent right off the top. Get one novel published, preferably by a small press, and help it to sell well. Then try to find an agent for your second. That’s really the best plan. I got my agent for my Bonanza novels without even trying. And she was unable to do anything for it. Getting an agent is never a guarantee. And never ever go into this thinking you’re going to make a million. Fifty Shades of Gray was a fluke. Don’t we all wish we could write a fluke? Longevity means you write well consistently. I keep writing because I think my next one is going to be so good that readers will then buy up all my previously published. There’s always that hope. Put a lot of short writing out there. Find a place to blog. Find a place to share snatches. Find a place to get feedback. People have found agents that way, too. I have an active writing group on Twitter. They’re fun to hang with. Monette Bebow-Reinhard is a lifelong actress; writer/author since 1983. She earend a master's in history in 2006. And she became authorized Bonanza novelist in 1996. She has been traditionally published but currently is only self-published, with 11 books at Amazon. She's also have written stage plays and movie scripts. Lots of on-the-road primary research, traveling solo, have given presentations around the country. She's fond of cats, biking, staying in shape. She's in love with her children and their families.
Purchase Link: .Welcome to Tranquil Springs is the story of one woman's struggles through loss, betrayal, crushed hopes and remarakalble second chances. ![]() Why did you decide to self-publish? Did you have any doubts? I chose to self-publish because I had submitted a handful of times to the sound of crickets. I knew that my work was decent. I knew I could do something with it. I have been selling books at my local farmer’s market and doing really well. I figured if I added some women’s fiction to my market, sales could only increase. after self-publishing the first novel, and having success, I figured I would continue with the next. I always have doubts. Is it good enough? Is it edited well? Did we miss something? (Of course, we did.) Will anyone buy it? But really it takes just one person to tell me they loved it for me to know my doubts are unnecessary. What did you like best? I enjoy having the control of things. I don’t lose my characters to an editor’s thoughts. If I want merchandise to go with it, I can do that. I can do whatever I want. What was the hardest part? That’s a tough question. there is no singular part that is the hardest. It’s all tough. you have to make the right decision on every little detail. For me, I loathe editing, but my husband is an editor. so I try to get to it first, rip it apart and fix it up. Then I let him destroy it. Putting it back together again can be tedious. that’s probably my least favorite thing to do. But I also struggle with getting out to bookstores and signings. I have two beautiful children. We homeschool. I’m the main driver, chef, you name it! So making time to make my books a priority and getting them out to people can be a challenge as well. Would you do it again? Yes, I would, and I have. I self-published three Christian works and two fitness books. After that I moved on to two teen fiction novels. Then I self-published a women’s fiction title, and less than a year later a second women’s fiction. I’m now working on the sequel to my second women’s fiction. Do I wish someone would pick one up and write me a check? Sure! But for me, for right now. this works. I enjoy seeing my work come to life, rather than holding off. What advice do you have for authors just starting? Get over yourself. I know that sounds harsh, but it has to be said. You are proud of yourself. that is great! You should be! You accomplished something wonderful! But it probably isn’t perfect. Let outside eyes read and give meaningful feedback. Let someone else edit. And listen to them. My first self-published book was really just a battle cry to say, “I did it!” I was so excited. but I would not let anyone touch it. It was my baby!!! Ten years later, I don’t sell the book. I’m working on a complete rewrite of the book. Why? The writing was terrible! If I had taken advice of people who read it before hitting “publish,” I’m sure it would be so much more than what it is. Now, it's a joke on the shelf. It’s a humble reminder that I can be proud of my accomplishments, while still needing others to help me out. Once you’ve let others in - the story is clearer, typos are found and fixed, and all of that good jazz - promote the heck out of that thing! Work markets. Meet people. Don’t be pushy. Find opportunities that are right. Build bridges and make connections. I have found that authors live in one of two camps – either community and support or snobbery and isolation. Join the community. Jewel Sweeney is a wife, mother of two, writer, and educator. She lives in the beautiful South Carolina Lowcountry where she enjoys the sun. Her writings include The Adventures of Bugaboo & Ladybug series, Azalea Cafe, Welcome to Tranquil Springs, More Than a Jock, Blueberry Ballerina, and non-fiction works.
The Cumberland Tales is a work of historical fiction. The tales, germinated from a few scattered images grew to include aspects of magic realism and reality. Mother's Keep is a winding tale of family, friendship, loss, and spirituality. Cumberland Gold - a murderous, multi-generation tale of old wounds and revenge will be released soon. ![]() Why did you decide to self-publish? Did you have any doubts? I knew I would write about my hometown, Cumberland, after completing my degree in English. As part of my degree, I studied poetry with the Canadian poet, Marlyin Dumont. In my final year, I took an advanced course in creative writing , but poetry came first, prose later. I had no doubts because the stories I wanted to write were close to my heart. I initially tried the traditional route, sending off manuscripts directly to press houses, but was informed that I needed to get an agent. So, to publish traditionally, you need to go through two gatekeepers, getting an agent (submitting letter and searching for acceptance), then the agent must search for a publisher. In addition, when published the agent and press room both get a cut of the profits. For me, it was a no-brainer to form my own publishing company, and self-publish: no gatekeepers and I keep greater portion of royalties. How long did it take? My first book, The Cumberland Tales, from start to published book took about 5 years. It is a work of poetry and prose with a poem preceding each chapter. That year, I was given an Award of Excellence for my poetry by the Poetry Institute of Canada. The second book, Mother’s Keep, was inspired by my granny who was a war bride and lived during the depression years on acreage in Gibsons, Canada. My third book, Cumberland Gold, took about 2 years and is another visit to my hometown of Cumberland. What did you like best? I’m probably happiest with Mother’s Keep or Cumberland Gold. But The Cumberland Tales also sells reasonably well. In terms of quality of work, The Cumberland Tales is fragmented, yet many people like it. Mother’s Keep is a linear plot and the narrator is a ghost. And Cumberland Gold is more of a thriller murder mystery and does not have much poetry in it, but two of the characters are poets who critique each other’s work. What was the hardest part? The start is always the hardest part for me, how to outline, how to make it all work together. Once I start, I know I will at some point finish it, but never know when. I usually have a few prose pieces on the go at the same time, this is interspersed with poetry that I submit and discuss with writer friends. If I get tired of writing prose, I will switch to poetry. Indeed, one day, I’d like to try to write drama. Would you do it again? Definitely, I’ve got two more books in mind, the first is a sequel to Cumberland Gold and the second, The Mysterious Transformation of Margery Kempe, Beatrice Bonner, and Celestria Baxter, (which I’m presently working on), is based on Margery Kempe, the female mystic of medieval England. I’m interested in Margery’s personal relationships with her husband, God, and the patriarchal society which all women inhabited back then. What advice do you have for authors just starting? If you’re young, get a degree in English, round it out with writing poetry with a good instructor, and round that out with advanced fiction writing. However, if you don’t have the time or money, read all the good authors: Joyce, Faulkner, Lessing, Hemingway,, read lots of them, and read good poetry too. Then sit your butt down and start writing. Also, listen to the way people talk, takes note of phrasing, what people say, how they say it. It’s all good fodder for writing. The most important thing is to write about something that is important to you, probably family or experiences. Someone you loved, or write about conflicts of the heart. Frank Wayne Mottl's debut novel, The Cumberland Tales is a collection of connected stories. He's recently published his second, Mother’s Keep, and has sent off his third, Cumberland Gold. You can find out more at Once More With You is first book in the Fable Notch series where (retold) fairy tales come true in the mountains of New Hampshire. Featuring a steamy second chance and tons of small-town charm. ![]() Why did you decide to self-publish? Did you have any doubts? After being published by several small presses since 2007, I made the switch to self-publishing in August of 2022 to have more control over all the parts of the publishing process – pricing, distribution, release dates cover, etc. I was already responsible for my marketing with those houses, so that’s not new, but having access to my books as the publisher means I can determine when and where I’m putting my marketing efforts. Doubts? Sure – all the time, but I had those without self-publishing. You can never know what the market will want and it’s a long process with no guarantees. What did you like best? I like that I get to make the decisions – when to release, wide or KU (I’m wide), the look of the series, how to build my newsletter. Sure, there are days when I wish someone else was handling it all, but like many self-published authors, I like that I can make decisions that work for me and how I write. Recently, I had a book take longer than I thought it would and it was easy to look at my schedule and change things around. What was the hardest part? Finding an editor in my price range who I felt could do a great job with my book, helping me to make it the best it could be. It’s also challenging managing all the moving pieces – there’s a lot involved in getting a book ready and uploaded for sale – and doing that while also writing the next book… it’s a lot to balance at times. Would you do it again? Would I? I am! After releasing 3 books in 5 months, I have another book scheduled for May and more releases every three months after that (hopefully). What advice do you have for authors just starting? Take your time. Learn everything you can. Join groups like 20Booksto50K on Facebook, listen, ask questions. And discover what is right for YOU. It’s not the same for every writer – there is no magic formula, no one way. I know writers who make six figures a year releasing six books a year and writers who make the same releasing two a year. You have to find what works for the way you work or it won’t be sustainable Elena Markem writes emotionally rich contemporary romances about dreams, love, and taking a chance on both. Her stories reflect her belief that life is about the passions we pursue, the people who support us along the way, and never giving up on what we want.
You can find her and her newsletter at she'd do it again in a hot minute - meet intrepid traveler and wine Scout, carolyn dismuke2/13/2023 ". . . an inspirational memoir for anyone afraid to follow their passion, and a helpful guide through California wine country for those who want to road-trip vicariously. It's for anyone who thinks a girl needs more than four pairs of shoes." ![]() Why did you decide to self-publish? Did you have any doubts? I chose to self-publish after weighing the usual risks and benefits: more work and upfront costs can yield more revenue because you don’t have to share it. But that’s an oversimplification because it’s really not about money. You always have to share revenue because even if you self-publish, you may want to use Amazon or other huge resellers. Ultimately, I wanted to learn how to design a book cover, page layout, and eBook while tackling a marketing plan, social media, ad campaigns and all the other facets of the process. I had doubts, fear, and insecurities because I know nobody is good at everything. But, now, no one can ever take away what I learned or experienced in the process. It's akin to having a kid. After giving birth, most mothers want to raise their babies themselves. You can hire other people to do the jobs you’re either not qualified for or don’t want to do. But, they’ll never love your baby the way you do. I did a lot of the work myself as a labor of love. But hired qualified people for their expertise in certain areas. What did you like best? It’s ironic. What I liked best was what I didn’t want to do or have time to do. I procrastinated hiring people because I didn’t know what skills to look for or request. Yet, each person I interviewed helped in a different way, leading me down the right path, even the ones I didn’t hire. Each expert I contacted gave me advice that was invaluable. I let their stories guide me. I trusted that each would help in some way and they did. What was the hardest part? Marketing! Nobody can know their book will sell. But you can learn by studying the market, doing comparative lit reviews, and reviewing top sellers in your categories. When that still doesn’t work, you can build a social media platform, run ads, and take creative opportunities. You’d run into the same marketing pitfalls with traditional publishing. In the end, you’d be wise to get started on your next work. That’s the fun part. What does an author need to know to self publish? It helps to be a little tech savvy or at least let go of all your technophobia. And it wouldn’t hurt to know the publishing world and how it works. But truly determined authors learn what they need to learn when they need to learn it. Isn’t that true with any endeavor? How long will it take and how much will it cost? These can vary depending on your book, its categories, and what you’re trying to accomplish. But all these are ultimately up to you because it is your book. This means that you’ll have to be diligent in assigning deadlines and meeting them. But it also means that you decide what you want to do, how you want to do it, and when to hire an expert. Would you do it again? In a hot minute! It’s an exhilarating feeling. I’m filled with excitement to do it all over again, even the tough stuff. I’ve experienced an indescribable elation in having something that’s been part of my subconscious for years to now be free, living on its own in the world, becoming whatever it can be. What advice do you have for authors just starting? Trust your gut. Follow your passion despite the pain. Tap into that voice inside you; it may not even use words but believe in it and give it a voice. Carolyn Dismuke is a California native raised in a family that spent most summers road tripping from their home in Silicon Valley. After earning a WSET Level 3 Award in Wines, Carolyn explored the Golden State's hidden gems, a journey that transformed her into a California travel aficionado. Drink Your Words is full of her appellation adventures and the life lessons of a solo traveler. You can find her at Here's where you can find her book on Amazon.
The Four Winds meets Blind Tiger in this tale during Prohibition Era Appalachian Tennessee, set in the early 1900s, Based on a real-life tale of the author’s grandmother, the reader gets immersed in Ruby’s choices as she searches for worthiness and belonging. ![]() Why did you decide to self-publish? Did you have any doubts? Without a doubt, I knew the minute my first draft was nearing completion that I would self-publish. I am 66 and would rather spend time creating my own publishing company and a marketing plan than querying agents and editors. Secondly, traditional publishing has changed: there are fewer companies, less support for the debut author, and increased lag time to get a response from submissions. What did you like best? My novel is very personal, based on the true story of my grandmother’s felony conviction in 1920s Appalachia. Because it’s so personal, I wanted to have control of the editing, the cover, and the distribution of my novel. Also, the time to market was right for me with self-publishing. when Rock Bottom, Tennessee was ready, I could quickly get it to the distributors and into the reader’s hands. What was the hardest part? It was scary to do it alone. There was much to learn. However, the writing community is very supportive, and by asking the right questions, I could find the information I needed. The imposter syndrome was real for me. It took courage to expose my writing and myself to the world. Would you do it again? Absolutely. However, if a top 4 publishing company wants to talk, I’d have to consider it. What advice do you have for authors just starting? Two things helped me with my first launch. First of all, become a part of the online writing community. such as Wide for the Win and 20Books to 50K. Secondly, get involved with your local writing groups. When you find a stumbling block, the community is very gracious about getting the answers. The networking will help with marketing (such as book-signing information, back cover blurbs, reviews, and newsletter swaps). Kimberly Nixon is an emerging author of biographical fiction. She was blessed with a plethora of family stories, featuring strong, determined—and sometimes wild—characters. She lives in Austin, Texas with her husband Paul most of the year and travels for adventure when she can. Rock Bottom, Tennessee is Kimberly’s debut novel. Visit her website for news on her upcoming sequel about Ruby at
You can pick up a copy of Rock Bottom Tennesee at Amazon Barnes and Noble Audible You can find signed copies on Kimberly's website After reading a dozen or so interviews with indie authors, I was curious about what the chatbots had to say on why writers self-publish. I asked a few - their answers were similar but ChatGPT was the most articulate. They all agreed that wanting to have control over the process was the most important reason.
Where I got confused or maybe they did was with the idea that it costs less to self-publish than to be published traditionally. I'll have to go back and ask about that one. And ChatGPT offered two I hadn't really thought of . Publishing niche or uncomventional content. And being able to continuously update and improve the book after publication. Overall, I'm floored. What do you think? Misty Dreams is a heartwarming love story about second chances and the healing power of new beginnings. ![]() Why did you decide to self-publish? Did you have any doubts? The main deciding factor for me was time. Although I’d been writing since an early age, I was past 60 by the time I was ready to publish my book. For decades, my insecurity and lack of self-confidence prevented me from taking my craft seriously. I never had my work critiqued, convinced I didn’t have it in me to write anything a trade publisher might want to take on. But after self-publishing became a viable solution, I began to see a glimmer of hope of seeing my work in print. I wrote the first draft of Misty Dreams in Italian (I was living in Italy at the time), then translated it into English after moving to the United States. By the time it was finalized, revised, professionally edited and polished, my mind was pretty much made up. Don’t get me wrong, I dreamed nothing more than to be picked up by one of the Big Five, but I knew how hard that is for first time authors. Besides, I’d been waiting too long to get my book out into the world to be willing to waste any more time. That said, I didn’t jump immediately on the ‘indie’ bandwagon; I sent out dozens of queries to publishers and agents, and I gave myself six months for the responses to come in. When all I received was a bunch of polite rejections, I pivoted. I have no regrets for choosing the path of the indie author. I’ve been hearing of traditionally published authors making the switch after becoming more and more frustrated with not having enough marketing support or creative control over their books’ titles or covers, and for receiving pitiful royalties in return for their hard work. What did you like best? Feeling that my book is ‘mine’ in every aspect. Self-publishing not only gives you the opportunity to publish faster, but you have creative control over your book and your sales, while holding onto your rights. You get to make the call over every aspect of the book, from its content to its cover. What was the hardest part? The hardest part is undoubtedly the marketing. As a self-published author, you do all the heavy lifting, and promoting your brand is the heaviest load. Prior to publishing, I didn’t have a strong following, and I had no clue how to go about getting my book into the hands of potential readers. I was social media-shy, and the idea of setting up advertising platforms seemed overwhelming. While revising Misty Dreams, the enormous amount of work to get my manuscript to marketable standards took up all of my time and energy, so that there was none left for building visibility as an author. I was painfully aware that most other debut authors were way ahead of me. They had a blog, a newsletter, a street team to cheer them on, as well as ARC readers pledging to post reviews on release day. They were planning launch parties. Since I published my book in April of 2021, I’ve come a long way in getting out of my comfort zone and establish a public presence, and I’m still learning the ropes. However, it has become more difficult to find the right balance between my day-to-day responsibilities, my writing time, and maintaining a presence on social media. Would you do it again? Absolutely. Although I’ve learned a lot since the start of my do-it-yourself journey, I’m a slow writer. I enjoy having the flexibility of working at my own pace, without the pressure of deadlines. What advice do you have for authors just starting? The best advice I can give aspiring authors is, look beyond your goal. Start promoting your book long before your publishing deadline. Writing a book doesn’t end at the words ‘The End’. There’s so much work to be done, before and after the publishing process. Ultimately, all this can be immensely gratifying almost as much as the writing itself. Josephine Strand was born in Italy, grew up in South Africa, and is a long-time resident of the United States. Her travels between the three continents have strengthened her love for the sea and the outdoors. When not writing or absorbed in the latest gripping page-turner, she loves to cook and enjoys long nature walks. Misty Dreams is her first novel.
You can find her at |
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